The EFCA is full of wise leaders with decades of God-honoring experience.
We know gathering these leaders for encouragement and fellowship contributes to the health of EFCA churches.
Support EFCA Convening.
Your partnership provides for the long-term viability of the people who carry out our mission.
The Problem
In the midst of serving the needs of others, pastors often find themselves isolated, alone and susceptible to burn-out. A staggering 250 pastors leave vocational ministry in the U.S. every month for reasons other than retirement.
Pastors play unique roles in the lives of their congregations and communities. Their lives are on display as a model for everyone to see and follow. They are routinely called upon in times of both crisis and celebration. The congregational needs are ongoing and never ending.
The Solution
We provide refreshment for exhausted pastors.
The EFCA is committed to the long-term spiritual, mental and physical health and well-being of our pastors, church leaders and district superintendents. We’ve found connectivity with peers promotes longevity and the ability to thrive rather than just survive in ministry.
The Plan
The EFCA is uniquely positioned to gather pastors together based on size and demographics of congregations—we call these Affinity Groups. In these groups, pastors identify with one another’s struggles while also providing wisdom, counsel and encouragement. Additional gatherings also include meetings between district superintendents and other like-minded ministry leaders.
“The relationships I have developed, the insights I have gleaned and the wisdom of God I have been afforded by gathering with my peers (who have become some my closest friends in ministry and life) have been immeasurably valuable."
Affinity Group participants need only cover their own travel and lodging expenses.
We provide these gatherings for pastors of large and small churches, as well as ministry-specific leaders in worship, children’s ministry and missions. Currently, we provide 10 yearly Affinity Group gatherings.
Each of these collaborative opportunities allows church leaders to collectively hear from and interact with board members, district superintendents and/or our executive leadership team regarding EFCA mission, vision and the strategic initiatives set out to ensure the spiritual vitality of our movement.
The Investment Opportunity
Your investment in our pastors and church leaders will strengthen them, their families, congregations and communities. As iron sharpens iron, your partnership provides for the long-term viability of the people who carry out our mission to glorify God by multiplying transformational churches among all people.
EFCA Convening Opportunities:
- K Club (senior pastors in churches >1,000)
- Team 500 (senior pastors in churches >500)
- Normal Church Networks (pastors in churches <100)
- Worship Leaders
- Executive Pastors
- Campus Pastors
- Children’s Ministry Leaders
- Mission Pastors
- District Superintendent Cluster Meetings
- District Superintendent Retreat